FZAC has a commitment to provide not limited only in accounting, corporate secretarial and consultancy work, but also cover the selection and recruitment of professional management services, counsellors and advisors to new entrepreneurs, especially in the business decision making.
As a professional corporate advisor, we look forward constantly investigating new areas where we believe we can serve our clients. In advising our clients, we are alert to the legislative, policies and economic changes which may affect our clients’ activities. They are keep informed of the matters.
With the integrated planning and business management advisory service, we ensure that our clients will receive the maximum benefits and assistance from us in achieving a competitive position in the market-place.
Quality and commitment in everything we do is the must. Our integrity and professional competence are the cornerstones of our organisation. We work hard to earn and maintain our clients’ trust and confidence.To ensure that we provide quality professional services in an independent, objective, and ethical manner, we have implemented a number of professional development initiatives and quality and compliance safeguards.
Our purpose is to turn knowledge into value for the benefit of our clients, our people, and the capital markets. We aim to provide clients with a consistent set of multidisciplinary financial and accounting services and also secretarial consultation, based on deep industry knowledge. Our values determine how we behave with clients and each other. FZAC would not be such a successful organisation without great people and strong teamwork. We provide our people with solid career growth opportunities and a people-oriented workplace environment.
What We do
FZAC is always having a collaboration and cooperation with well-known establishment body; Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) and Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM), to ensure the standards of services and getting synergistic effects.

Management Consultancy Services
Running a business is never an easy task. You have put in efforts to make your business successful and now you are thinking about what comes next. We all know that it’s important to have trusted advisors to help along the way..
- Finance and Cost Management
- Specialized Studies (business feasibility, loan review, investigation and others)
- New Investment and Businesses Assessment
- Share Valuation and Corporate Restructuring
Corporate Secretarial Services
- Tax Planning and Consultancy, Tax Exemption and Tax Incentives
- Tax Compliance, Tax Audit and Tax Investigation
- Personal Tax and Privately Owned Business
- Indirect Taxes
- Real Property Gain Tax
The importance of the Company Secretary has increased remarkably over the years. A company secretary is often neither part of “management” nor a member of the Board itself..

Book Keeping and Accounting Services
- Book Keeping for Monthly, Quarterly or Yearly Preparation
- Record Keeping of Financial Performances
- Development of Book-Keeping Systems
- Preparation of Financial and Management Accounts
- Solving Back-Log Accounts
- Development and Installation of Accounting Systems
- Provision of Payroll Services
The rise of gig economy and freelancing has changed the face of the current economy. For many employers, the trend to outsource any function of the business that is not directly related to the generation of income is booming..
Business Assurance Services*
*Affiliated services
- Statutory and Financial Audits
- Due Diligence and Investigation Audit
- Auditors Report on Profit Forecast
- Reviews for Quarterly Reporting
- Internal Control and System Reviews
- Operational and Performance Audit
- Special Certification
- Computer Audits
Business assurance is not only about establishing compliance measurement but also involve advising the senior management and Board of Directors (or other similar oversight group) on how to better execute their roles and responsibilities..

Tax Consultation Services*
*Affiliated services
- New Incorporation of all types of Companies and Other Entities such as Trust Bodies, Foundation and Non-Profit Organisations
- Company Secretarial Services and Regulatory Procedures of the Companies Act, 2016
- Provision of Registered Office Address
- Providing Comprehensive Practical Support and Guidance to Directors and Companies
- Board and Shareholders Meeting Planning and Event Management
- Registration and Renewal of Business (with Registrar Of Business)
- Limited Liability Partnership Registration
- Company and Business Search
- Deregistration of Company
Taxation is one of the inevitable parts of a business. As such, the cost of improper or inadequate handling of tax issues could be devastating and might restrict the development of a company..
Why Choose Us
One Stop Centre
One Stop Business Centre that provides all your business needs, i.e. secretarial, accounting and other business consultation.
Qualified Professionals
Qualified and experienced professionals in respective field and commitments in maintaining client’s confidentiality.
Great Teams
Maintaining close relationship with client-partners and our teams to grow together.
Trusted Links
Having good communication and linked with Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia (LHDNM), Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM), Royal Custom Department (JKDM), Ministry of Finance (MOF) and other statutory agencies.
Willing to share
Willing to sharing our expertise and knowledge just for you – as if we are partners in your business.
What Our Clients Say?
Are you looking for a One stop professional service provider that can cater to your company’s needs?
Regardless for the size of your organization, be in touch with us for a free and no obligation discussion with our experienced personnel.