Business Assurance Services*
*Affiliated services
Business assurance is not only about establishing compliance measurement but also involve advising the senior management and Board of Directors (or other similar oversight group) on how to better execute their roles and responsibilities.
In other words, it is very important to an organisation to evaluate the effectiveness of the organisation and protect the organisation against risk. Having corporate advisor by appointing FZAC in an organisation will bring a multiplicity of benefits to the management of the organisation.
Our services offered:
- Statutory and Financial Audits
- Due Diligence and Investigation Audit
- Auditors Report on Profit Forecast
- Reviews for Quarterly Reporting
- Internal Control and System Reviews
- Operational and Performance Audit
- Special Certification
- Computer Audits
Why Choose Us
One Stop Centre
One Stop Business Centre that provides all your business needs, i.e., secretarial, accounting and other business consultation.
Qualified Professionals
Qualified and experienced professional in respective field and commitments in maintaining client’s confidentiality.
Great Teams
Maintaining close relationship with client-partners and our teams to grow together.
Trusted Links
Having good communication and linked with Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia (LHDNM), Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM), Royal Custom Department (JKDM), Ministry of Finance (MOF) and other statutory agencies.
Willing to share
Willing to sharing our expertise and knowledge just for you – as if we are partners in your business.
Are you looking for a One stop professional service provider that can cater to your company’s needs?
Regardless for the size of your organization, be in touch with us for a free and no obligation discussion with our experienced personnel.